Understanding what an air conditioner's SEER rating means will help your family save money and stay cooler too!

SEER is a frequently encountered air conditioning term, and it’s helpful for a homeowner to know what it means. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It’s a rating system that allows users to determine how efficient an AC unit is. The unit’s rating is calculated by dividing its number of BTUs (its cooling speed) by its wattage.

Your heating and cooling system generally uses more electricity than any of your other household appliances. Knowing this, it’s in your best interest to compare SEER ratings when selecting an air conditioning system for your home. The higher a unit’s SEER rating, the more efficient it is – and the more efficient a unit is, the more you’ll save on your energy bill.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has mandated that all air conditioning units manufactured in 2015 and newer must have a minimum SEER rating of 14. Older air conditioners generally have a SEER of 10 and under. In most cases, you can identify your air conditioner’s SEER rating by locating its EnergyGuide® sticker on the unit’s exterior.

Upgrade and benefit

Systems that are a decade old (or even older) are significantly less efficient than currently available models. Older units also tend to require repairs more frequently than newer models. They also use much more electricity than an AC unit with a 14 SEER rating or higher. By upgrading to a newer model, you’ll save on utilities, need fewer (if any) repairs, and live a greener lifestyle. If you’re thinking about upgrading, call us! We’ll be happy to show you how much electricity you’ll save by upgrading.

Choosing the right SEER

A higher SEER rating means higher efficiency – as we said above – but it shouldn’t be the only thing you take into account when purchasing that new AC unit. An air conditioner only reaches its highest potential efficiency when it’s operating in its ideal environment. An HVAC system that’s too large or small for your home’s air space can’t reach its SEER rating. The same is true if it’s installed in a home with leaky ducts, poorly insulated windows, or other issues. Its SEER rating can also be compromised when operating in conjunction with an older or mismatched furnace.

Selecting an air conditioner that will operate at maximum efficiency in your home requires careful research. Our team of expert comfort consultants is prepared to find you the perfect system for your family! Call us today to schedule a no-obligation in-home visit. It’s our goal to keep your family, cool, comfortable, and under budget!


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