Properly preparing your home and adjusting your air conditioning system will pay off in comfort and savings!

Life in the summertime without an air conditioner is miserable, but life in the summertime with an air conditioner that isn’t operating at its peak can be just as uncomfortable. Air conditioners will cool your home much better if you do a few things to help them do their job efficiently and effectively.

Resist The Urge To Set Your Thermostat Very Low

As enticing as it might be to keep your air conditioner on a very low setting, this is counter-productive. When you turn your air conditioner down to a very low setting the amount of cold air that is pushed through your vents stays the same. Turning your thermostat down just increases the time in which the air conditioner is running. If your air conditioner is constantly running you are at risk for it wearing out or getting damaged more quickly. This is also a surefire way to increase your energy costs.

Instead of trying to cool the house by running your air conditioner all day at a very low setting, use other methods to keep the cold air that is in your house cool.

Close Doors and Use Your Blinds and Fans

The cold air that your air conditioner circulates will remain cooler longer if you utilize tools in your home. You might think that glass is enough to keep the heat from the sun from heating the air in your home, but it isn’t. When the sun starts to shine, turn down your blinds or close your drapes on the side of the home where the sun hits. Closing your blinds and drapes prevents the heat of the sun from penetrating through the windows into your home.

If you have ceiling fans they should be operating while the air conditioner is in use. Fans help circulate the air and spread the cool air throughout a room. Fans also naturally cool air a few degrees as they do their job circulating the air.

If you can, close the door to rooms when they aren’t in use. Keeping your doors closed traps the cold air in, ensuring that they stay cooler for a longer period of time.

Use Appliances That Give Off Heat in the Early Morning or Evening

Most appliances in your will give off heat when they are in use. This includes washing machines, ovens, dishwashers, and the stove top. The heat that these appliances give off permeate your home, meaning that your air conditioner has to work harder to keep your house at the temperature that you have set.

It may take some getting used to but get into the habit of doing chores that involve these appliances in the early morning or after the sun has gone down. If your dishwasher is programmable, set it to run in the middle of the night when the temperatures are coolest. Load laundry in the evenings or mornings and try out recipes that avoid the use of the oven set at very high temperatures.

Properly Maintain Your Unit

Your unit will run more efficiently and cool the air easily and more effectively if you take the time to ensure that it is maintained. You can do your own air conditioned maintenance twice monthly for the best results. This should include changing the air filters and removing built up debris and dirt from the fan located in the blower.

Filters quickly clog up with particles from the outside, preventing them from being able to do their job. The fan inside your AC unit also accumulates dirt and debris, which can slow down its movement as well as spread these particles into your home.

On top of this, you should also have your air conditioner serviced twice yearly by a professional. The professional will be able to detect any damage or potential damage to your unit, stopping problems before they start. They also engage in preventative maintenance by ensuring the levels of fluid in your unit are at the right amount, tightening belts and oiling different moving parts to keep your unit running strong.

Keeping your air conditioner working its best and cooling your house without overworking it will prevent you from experiencing skyrocketed energy bills, uncomfortable heat even when the AC is turned on, as well as prevent expensive repairs that may result from an over-worked air conditioning unit.


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