Replacing your furnace's air filter is a very easy - and very cost-effective - way to ensure your system keeps you comfortable!

Are the air filters in your HVAC system ready for winter? Before long, the snow will begin to fall, and the mercury will start to dip. It’s difficult to stay mindful of things like replacing the filters on your heating and cooling system – but you should!

While Energy Star suggests that you should change your air filter every month; at a minimum, you shouldn’t let three months go by without swapping your dirty filter out for a clean, new one.

Why is this so important? Here are five benefits you’ll receive by regularly replacing your air filter:

You’ll extend the life of your HVAC unit.

The most common reason an HVAC system fails is due to a dirty filter. As dirt and debris accumulate, air can’t pass through efficiently; or worse, the system will overheat. The motor then has to work harder. If you’re lucky, your unit will only need to be repaired. If you’re unlucky, or if your system is older, you’ll find yourself needing to buy a new HVAC unit. Replacing your unit’s air filter is a simple and low-cost way to extend the life of your heating and cooling system.

You’ll keep your energy costs down.

When that dirt-clogged filter is preventing airflow, more energy is being used, and when more energy is required to make your heating and air conditioning work, it causes your energy bill to head skyward. The Department of Energy says that the average household spends about $2,200 annually on its energy bill. When you routinely change your filter, you can expect to save from 5-15% on your utility costs.

You’ll maintain a healthy air quality.

This is especially important if members of your family suffer from allergies or asthma. Dirty air filters have an adverse effect on your home’s air quality and can aggravate symptoms. If you have pets, this is even more important because pet dander will accumulate in your HVAC system and spread allergens throughout your household. It’s an easy fix to replace your filter and keep your air quality at its best.

You’ll keep your heating and cooling system clean.

Dirt clogging your air filter can lead to polluting your entire HVAC system. That means extra parts, repairs, and service that you probably haven’t accounted for in your budget.

You’ll maintain your peace of mind.

Replacing your system’s air filter is an easy, inexpensive step to take that will save you money, will extend the life of your HVAC system and will improve your indoor air quality. It will also significantly reduce the amount of energy your family uses.

When you’re shopping for a new filter, look at its MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) number, which ranges from 1 to 12. The higher the number, the better its filtration is.

In addition to changing your air filter often, it is important to schedule an HVAC system tune-up and regular maintenance before the start of the winter season. Our licensed, local HVAC experts will check your electrical connections, examine your unit for fire hazards, make sure your system is free of carbon monoxide, and inspect and calibrate your thermostat to make sure your system is in great shape to work hard during the cold winter ahead.

Schedule your system tune-up today! You’ll stay ahead of the start-of-season rush and save yourself money in the process – call us at 1-844-HEY-NEIGHBOR or schedule online. We’re here to help because that’s how neighbors should treat neighbors!™


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