Many people look for ways to reduce their energy bills while staying comfortable inside their homes. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation circulating that it’s hard to separate facts from misconceptions. Here are four common HVAC myths you need to stop believing.
If it isn’t broken, there’s no need to call a professional – FALSE!
Most people don’t pay much attention to their HVAC system until something goes wrong. Just like your car, your HVAC is a complex system that needs annual tune-ups. Neglecting professional maintenance can lead to a malfunctioning system, and no one wants that. To keep your system working efficiently, we recommend that you call a professional for a visit at least once a year. Having your HVAC system checked and inspected every year can prevent inconvenient and expensive breakdowns.
Closing registers in unused rooms will save you money – FALSE!
Many homeowners close the air registers in rooms they aren’t using in an attempt to save money. However, shutting off registers in unused rooms doesn’t improve energy efficiency. It adversely affects your system’s intake and exhaust, so your system is pushed out of balance. This can strain on your system and actually increase your energy costs.
Instead, leave every vent open, even in rooms that are not being used. This way, your system efficiently circulates air throughout your home at a balanced rate.
Turn your thermostat all the way down to cool your home faster – FALSE!
You won’t reach the desired temperature faster by moving the thermostat all the way up or down. Regardless of what temperature is set, your system heats and cools your home at a steady pace.
Filters don’t need to be changed regularly – FALSE!
A clogged or dirty air filter reduces airflow. This pushes your HVAC system to work harder than usual, leaving you with a more expensive energy bill than you would see with a regularly-changed filter. To ensure optimal efficiency of your HVAC system, we highly recommend that you check your air filter every month and change it when it’s dirty.
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