If your heating and cooling system is making scary noises, don't be afraid - call our ghost busters out to fix it!

The trees are shedding their leaves, the nights are getting longer, and the air is getting chilly. Halloween is nearly upon us. In keeping with the spirit of the season, have you been hearing unexplained noises or bumps in the night? Perhaps we can offer some less spooky theories before you assume that you have a ghostly visitor in your house.

Noticeable changes in air temperature

Brrr! Did a specter just float past? While there are many possible causes for cold spots in your home, leaky ductwork is the most likely culprit. According to Energy.gov, the average home loses between 20% and 30% of its heated and cooled air due to holes, leaks, or poorly connected ducts. The net result is an uncomfortable home and a higher utility bill. Air leaks are often caused by age and regular use, or a critter may have made your attic their new home. Eeek! It’s always a bright idea to do a quick visual check each time you change your air filter and call a professional if you notice anything amiss.

Doors that open and close on their own

This freaky activity can undoubtedly make you feel like a ghost is in the house. Don’t worry! Unbalanced air pressure can cause unexplained activities like this. Excessive positive pressure can cause doors to open. Negative pressure, on the other hand, can make them shut unexpectedly. Pressure imbalances can also explain random whistling noises or rooms that are much colder than the rest of your home. Correcting these issues might take a bit of detective work, but one of our qualified technicians will quickly solve the case!

Unexpected puddles on the floor

No, this isn’t a mischievous spirit playing tricks on you. The most common cause for a leaking HVAC unit is a clogged condensation line in your air handler. Located in your attic, closet, basement, or crawlspace, your air handler probably has a build-up of mold, dirt, or debris that needs to be cleaned out. You can avoid this issue by having us perform a tune-up during the spring and fall each year.

Gas furnace concerns

What’s that banging noise coming from the basement? Could it be a poltergeist? Don’t be afraid! Most furnaces use gas – whether natural gas or propane – that is ignited to warm the air. Years of dust and debris will cause issues inside your unit, such as thumping or banging noises. Also, if your furnace is left unchecked, deadly carbon monoxide (CO) and methane gases can leak into your home. That’s scary and dangerous!

Concentrated amounts of CO gas can be lethal within minutes. Therefore, we strongly recommend installing a carbon monoxide detector near your furnace. Savvy homeowners opt for a combination of CO and smoke detecting in one unit. Even better, smart detectors can send a notification directly to you. In addition, these units can send a signal to the thermostat to shut off your HVAC system to prevent a carbon monoxide leak from becoming a health hazard.

Our ghost busters are ready to help

Any of the situations above can be scary, but they don’t need to be! Scheduling an annual maintenance visit by one of our expert technicians is the key to preventing unexpected breakdowns this winter. This tune-up can eliminate safety hazards, optimize performance and maximize efficiency. The inspection process can take up to an hour, depending on the configuration of your system. Upon completion, your service technician will present his findings and share any professional recommendations for your system.

Daily use takes a toll on your HVAC system over time. Protect your home’s heating and cooling system and improve your family’s comfort year-round with our Preventative Maintenance Plan, and never pay a service fee again. Call Hey Neighbor Heating & Cooling today at 844-HEY-NEIGHBOR to learn more and make your HVAC system less spooky!


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