Stay informed with our blog!

Keep your family cozy, comfortable and safe with our blog - it's chock-full of expert heating and cooling tips and information!

Don't let discomfort ruin your day over and over again - get comfy with a new AC!
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and spring is right around the corner. And do you know […]
During a winter storm, it's common to feel alone in the struggle. Don't worry, though - Hey Neighbor is always here by your side!
As winter storms sweep across Northeast Ohio, bringing biting winds and plummeting temperatures, the need for […]
A wonderfully comfy home is an essential part of sharing the holidays with loved ones!
The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and creating cherished memories with loved ones. […]
Ah, the season of ghouls, goblins, and ghostly tales is upon us! Halloween is the perfect […]
When the temperature outside suddenly drops by a lot, how can you deal with it and stay comfy?
Fall can have you reaching for your winter coat as temperatures plummet. But fear not, because […]
Don't let summer's hottest days wear you down - read our blog and stay cool!
Its impact on central air conditioning systems and strategies to stay cool As the sun reaches […]
Don't just cross your fingers and hope for the best in a summer storm - take precautions!
When summer peaks, see also: NOW – your central air conditioning system works overtime to keep […]
Before you head off to the Bahamas for some hard-earned rest and relaxation, make sure to set your AC properly!
Whether you’re going to work for the day or you’re going away on vacation for the […]
With inflation on the rise, it's wise to save money wherever you can - like your energy bills!
As the summer months approach, we’re all looking to save money wherever we can. So, why […]
The weather is warming up, but what do you do when your AC won't turn on?
In the warmer months here in Northeast Ohio, things can get stuffy in a hurry when […]