As essential as it is to stay warm during the winter, it's equally crucial to practice safe heating!

Brrr! It’s chilly outside here in Northeast Ohio! Fortunately, heating your home is as easy as flipping a switch or adjusting your thermostat. However, no matter what type of heating system you have in your home, it should be inspected before each winter season to ensure that it’s in safe working order. That said, being warm and cozy at home during the cold months of the year also means that you need to be aware of indoor winter heating hazards. These simple tips from our expert team at Hey Neighbor Heating & Cooling will keep you safe and comfortable at home this winter!

Gas Furnaces

As a gas furnace produces heat, it burns gas. As a result, nearly all gas units exhaust gas outside your home through your chimney or a vent pipe. Because of this, it’s essential to have your system serviced annually to ensure that it’s working correctly and isn’t leaking deadly carbon monoxide (CO) gas into your home. Also, it’s wise to stay vigilant of any pilot light problems, a yellow flame, strange odors, or unusual noises coming from the unit.

Electric Furnaces

Before using an electric furnace for the first time each season, it should be inspected and checked for damage to prevent issues arising from loose connections and other problems. Our friendly technicians at Hey Neighbor Heating & Cooling are happy to perform this task! Also, it’s crucial to change your furnace’s filter regularly. A clean filter enables your heater to run more efficiently and allows fewer allergens to circulate throughout your home.

Space Heaters

These small-but-mighty units are an efficient way to heat an area of your home, but they also come with potential safety hazards. First, keep its location in mind when using a space heater. Maintain at least three feet of open space on all sides of the heater. Some space heaters can reach 100° F or more at the unit! Blankets, curtains, paper, and other items can catch fire if placed too close. Likewise, don’t operate the heater constantly, and be sure to turn it off when you go to sleep or leave the room.


A wood-burning fireplace can make those chilly winter nights cozy and romantic, but it can also be dangerous. A best practice is to clean all remaining ashes or coals from previous fires and dispose of them outside in a metal container located at least ten feet from your home. When using your fireplace, keep its front screen closed and never burn anything other than untreated firewood. Likewise, ensure that your chimney is clean and free of debris. A chimney sweep might seem quaint, but they’re still around today and provide an invaluable service. A clogged chimney can force smoke and other inhalation hazards into your home and can present a severe fire hazard.

Portable Outdoor Gas Heaters

We all know that a portable heater is excellent for those chilly nights spent outside on the patio, but you must never operate an outdoor heater inside your home. Outdoor heaters exhaust gases that can accumulate to lethal levels in a confined space. When using an outdoor heater, make sure it isn’t too close to pergolas, awnings, or other flammable materials like patio furniture.

Early Detection Is Key

If you don’t already have smoke, radon, or CO detectors in your home, it’s a wise move to add them as soon as you’re able. Your family’s health and safety are safeguarded by the warnings these units provide. If you already have these devices installed, replace their batteries annually and test them monthly to ensure they’re functioning correctly before using your furnace, fireplace, or any space heaters.

Stay Safe This Winter With Hey Neighbor Heating & Cooling

Whether you use a central heating system, a fireplace, or space heaters to warm your toes this winter, stay safe with our expert team! If your furnace needs repaired, your friends at Hey Neighbor are just a phone call away! We’ll ensure that your system runs efficiently all season long, because that’s how neighbors should treat neighbors!™


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