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Keep your family cozy, comfortable and safe with our blog - it's chock-full of expert heating and cooling tips and information!

The small cost of an annual furnace tune-up will help prevent a much larger repair or installation cost later!
The most commonly used heating method, your furnace burns fuel or uses electricity to heat your […]
Neglecting your HVAC system's maintenance is a very bad idea. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about it - let Hey Neighbor take care of it for you!
Now’s the time to be thinking about back-to-school HVAC maintenance. A seasonal system tune-up will give […]
We spend a lot of time indoors these days - shouldn't your indoor air be as clean and pure as it can possibly be?
Our climate-controlled indoor environments are usually quite comfortable in the modern world. So many of our […]
It won't always be this obvious that it's time for a new AC. Here's how you can tell when it's time to upgrade.
Is your family trying to decide if you should invest in a new air conditioning system? […]
Did you know? Air conditioning offers a wide range of benefits beyond just cool comfort!
We all love our comfort, don’t we? Well, did you know there’s more benefits to air […]
Make the right choice when your water heater acts up and relax in that steaming hot bathtub!
Conventional tank water heaters have a service life of 10-15 years, while modern tankless models can […]
Spring's severe weather can ruin your air conditioning system's outdoor condenser unit. Protect your investment!
With periodic hail, flooding, tornadoes, and other inclement weather types, Ohio homeowners can find it challenging […]
Springtime is pollen season in Northeast Ohio. Don't suffer! Adding an air purifier to your HVAC system alleviates allergy symptoms.
We’re about to be in pollen season here in Northeast Ohio, and you’re probably starting to […]
When considering a new gas furnace for your home, it's important to learn the differences between the three main types.
There are three primary types of gas furnaces available in the heating market today. The system […]
The addition of an ultraviolet (UV) lighting system to your home's heating and cooling system creates a healthier environment for your family.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a constant reminder to all of us about the importance of clean […]