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Keep your family cozy, comfortable and safe with our blog - it's chock-full of expert heating and cooling tips and information!

Are you waking up with a scratchy throat this holiday season? Consider adding a whole-house humidification system!
Winter is right around the corner, and we’ve already experienced some nights below freezing here in […]
Don't spend your summer with a stuffy head and itchy skin - let our experts enhance your indoor air quality!
Ahhh… it’s summertime. Sunshine, lounging in the pool, rounds of cornhole, and afternoon barbecues. Doesn’t everybody […]
Your family's comfort and safety are important in the summer - but don't forget about the furry members of your family!
The hottest season is upon us. Summer’s heat has definitely arrived in Northeast Ohio, which can […]
If you think you have a refrigerant leak, turn off your AC and call Hey Neighbor immediately!
First things first: If you observe a refrigerant leak – or simply suspect one – turn […]
That old AC might still be chugging along, but it might also be harming your family's health!
Before we know it, summer’s heat and humidity will be here in Northeast Ohio. Is your […]
April showers mean the humidity level in your Northeast Ohio home is at its highest point of the year. How should you deal with it?
April showers mean the humidity level in your Northeast Ohio home is at its highest point […]
Did you know? Your home's indoor air is up to 5x as polluted as the air outside! Clean it up with an air scrubber!
You clean your home to remove dirt and germs, but how often do you think about […]
Following these easy suggestions will ensure that every fan at your Super Bowl party will stay comfortable, happy, and safe!
It’s that time of the year again – Super Bowl weekend! Everybody’s talking about the big […]
Don't let a lack of indoor humidity wreck your home and your family's health this fall and winter!
Evidence of fall’s presence is abundantly clear by way of the beautiful fall colors. But along […]
Of course you love your pets... but what you DON'T love is the havoc they can wreak on your HVAC system!
Our furry friends are beloved family members that bring a lot of joy into our daily […]