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Keep your family cozy, comfortable and safe with our blog - it's chock-full of expert heating and cooling tips and information!

Bigger is better, right? Not so fast - your oversized air conditioner could cause major problems in the long run!
It’s the second week of March, and warm weather is just around the corner! It’s time […]
You might think turning the heat way down (or off) in the winter will save you money... but it'll cost you instead!
“Signs, signs, everywhere a sign… Do this, don’t do that – can’t you read the sign?” […]
You might think your budget can't handle replacing your decrepit old heating and cooling system - but it can, and financing is easy!
A new HVAC system represents a major investment in health, comfort and energy efficiency. Modern heating […]
Changing your furnace filter is a good DIY HVAC task... but leave the rest to the pros, or else!
Whether you’re ready for winter or not, the chilly season is here! This means that you […]
A furnace's efficiency rating (AFUE) tells you how well it uses energy to heat your home!
When you purchase a new furnace system, efficiency ratings absolutely should influence your decision to a […]
A little attention to your thermostat settings will keep you comfortable and keep your wallet full this winter!
As the days get shorter, the leaves start falling, and there’s a chill in the air, […]
When the snow falls, these tips will make sure your heating costs don't skyrocket!
Each year it seems that costs for home heating fuel, heating oil, natural gas, wood and […]
Has your air conditioner been struggling with this summer's above-average heat? If so, it's probably time for a new unit!
When your air conditioner breaks down, repairing it is the usual option. If your unit is […]
In addition to being an attractive addition to your home, an awning can cut your cooling costs!
Keeping your home cool during hotter weather is an important part of staying comfortable. After all, […]