Stay informed with our blog!

Keep your family cozy, comfortable and safe with our blog - it's chock-full of expert heating and cooling tips and information!

The EPA has banned R-22 refrigerant beginning in 2020 - we explain what you need to know and be wary of!
You might be aware that a new law banning the production of a conventional air conditioning […]
Every season that passes increases the chance of a cracked heat exchanger - a very dangerous problem. Know the signs!
Your furnace’s heat exchanger is the set of looped tubes or coils inside your furnace that […]
Carbon monoxide gas is no laughing matter. These answers to your frequently asked questions will keep you informed and keep your family safe!
We often hear questions and concerns from our customers about carbon monoxide leaks. Here are answers […]
A cheap window AC has budget appeal, but be wary - you get what you pay for, and can be dangerous!
Though window air conditioning units may be convenient and cheaper initially than installing central AC, they […]
Does your AC sound more like a thundering train than a quiet Trane? It could indicate a problem - call us!
As a machine with many moving parts, your home’s central air conditioning system is sure to […]
Summer's heat is wonderful, but it can also be extremely dangerous if you're not careful. Stay informed and safe out there!
We’re not all about selling you quality service and HVAC equipment here. We genuinely want our […]
If your furnace is smelling kind of funky, ignoring it could be a potentially fatal decision. Don't chance it!
Unexpected and unpleasant odors coming from your furnace, like burning electrical, rotten eggs, or chemicals, should […]
Doing furnace repairs and installs yourself can have costly - and deadly - consequences. Leave it to the pros!
DIY home repair projects are often lots of fun and are an excellent way to learn […]
If you just switch your thermostat to heat without taking some simple precautions, you could be asking for trouble!
Most homeowners don’t think about their furnaces when it’s sunny and warm outside. However, now that […]
Dog days of summer got you down? Don't sweat it - doing a few simple things around the house will cool you off!
Our area has experienced record highs over the last week or so, and that makes now […]