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Keep your family cozy, comfortable and safe with our blog - it's chock-full of expert heating and cooling tips and information!

Inconsistent heating can give you the shivers. Read on to learn how to warm up those cold spots in your home!
Have you ever left your perfectly warm and comfortable bedroom to head out to the living […]
If your heating and cooling system is making scary noises, don't be afraid - call our ghost busters out to fix it!
The trees are shedding their leaves, the nights are getting longer, and the air is getting […]
Don't wait until your water heater experiences a catastrophic failure - these six warning signs can help you prevent a major cleanup!
We typically don’t think about where our hot water comes from until there’s a problem. Unfortunately, […]
The small cost of an annual furnace tune-up will help prevent a much larger repair or installation cost later!
The most commonly used heating method, your furnace burns fuel or uses electricity to heat your […]
Of course you love your pets... but what you DON'T love is the havoc they can wreak on your HVAC system!
Our furry friends are beloved family members that bring a lot of joy into our daily […]
Is your HVAC system ready for the cold months ahead? Here's an easy checklist to prepare your home for winter!
Summer’s end is drawing near, and the fall months are right around the corner! It’s the […]
Neglecting your HVAC system's maintenance is a very bad idea. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about it - let Hey Neighbor take care of it for you!
Now’s the time to be thinking about back-to-school HVAC maintenance. A seasonal system tune-up will give […]
Changed your filter lately? If you can't remember when - or even where it is - do your HVAC and family a favor and replace it right now!
The primary purpose of your home’s HVAC system is to distribute heated and cooled air throughout […]
Part of making smart home heating and cooling system decisions is understanding how things work - we're here to teach you!
Central AC systems have been popular in homes across America since the 1970s, offering comfort and […]
Knowledge is power! Learning the costs of various AC repairs can save you money in the long run!
On average, when you call an HVAC technician out to service your central air conditioning system, […]